August in England is cool. That is, if you are just coming in from Florida. I departed from Fort Lauderdale at 2 PM Thursday afternoon. The sun and humidity danced together, causing a symphony of 96 degrees in perfect harmony of 96 percent humidity. After a brief stop in Atlanta,…
To Give Or Not To Give – That Is The Question
The phone rang early breaking the silence with it’s stinging sound. The voice on the other end was young, pleasant and very proud of what she was about to say. “Do you need a copy machine?” I could hear her smile. “Why yes I do”. I was surprised because I…
AUSTRALIA – Walking Upside Down is Sometimes Right Side Up
Easter Sunday morning, the sun was anticipating its rise. The streets of Sydney were darkened and my excitement vivid. The Sydney Opera House was only a short drive from my friend’s home, but it seemed to take forever to get there. Forty-eight hours before I had begun my journey to…
Is It Me Or Is It Him?
The following is a response to a letter that came to us from a brother who has been born again since 1995. He is a film-maker and an artist who questions “is his art His God, or is it of the Lord?” Is the emphasis on the gift, or the…
Why Messianic Music?
At first glance, Messianic music, may reflect the same aroma as all other music. You may say, “All music is the same.” The anointing of the Lord is also the same in English, Spanish, Japanese, or any other language, as it is in Hebrew. Why then bother with the Hebrew?…
The Devil Said Now, But God Said Wait
Worried wrinkles creased the face of the young emergency room doctor. His eyes betrayed his emotions. When I heard his words, my mouth went dry and the silent sound of my heart was loud in my ears. “Mr. Settel, you should be dead. I do not know how you have…
One For All And All For One
These are the days when we try to blend in; to blend each other, our thoughts, our feelings. These are the days when our individuality is frowned upon and our differences put in the background. What is accented, what is promoted is a sameness that obscures the uniqueness of each…
The flight from New York to Frankfurt , about eight hours and some minutes, was uneventful. I got to know Jonathan Bernis (“JB”), Director of Jewish Voice Ministries International, better as we shared our lives in the verbiage of two people who have known each other for some time. Three…
Shmoozing News
Prison “I was in prison and you came to visit me. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:36c & 25:40 (NIV) The sound of the closing bars had a shallow finality to them that made me shiver. I…
Meeting Expenses or Skimming?
Being an itinerant minister and reliant upon the different Churches I go to for my living, I have come up against a very interesting problem – – the answer to which is in the way you view things: which side of the “elephant” are you standing. In case you do…