CDs (Compact Disc) – English Price
Amen #3193 $15.00

“Many believe these are the days of “Chevlei Mashiach” – the “birth pangs of Messiah”. In the midst of the increasing shocks and pain we have been experiencing in Israel and worldwide. Jonathan’s album is a beacon of light and hope; An expression of joyful anticipation on the part of this unique generation. It heralds Mashiach Yeshua’s return as King of Israel and the nations. It proclaims a heart-soaring “AMEN!” – Aleph, Mem, Nun – an acronym for “Eloheinu Melech Ne’eman” – “Our God is a Faithful King!” The central theme of this album is the central theme of God’s name in Rev. 3:14: ‘The beginning of the creation of God.’ The highlight of this production is the introduction of Jonathan’s daughter, Aviva Settel.

Available in English/Hebrew or Spanish/Hebrew

Amen Released July 2002

  1. Master of All Things – Craig Taubman
  2. Amen – Moshe Datz & Hamutal Ben Zeev
  3. Shehechianu -Craig Taubman
  4. Jerusalen Tierra Sagrada – Edith & Ariel Mesch
  5. You Are My Hiding Place – Michael Ledner
  6. Breathe On Me – Lucy Fisher
  7. V’Shamru – Steve Dropkin
  8. Adonai S’fatai – Craig Taubman
  9. Israel – Marco Vidal
  10. Anachnu Dor Metzuyan

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